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About Us

We are the leading source for any type of WATER, WASTEWATER & ENERGY related solutions leading to sustainable environmental practices. Our main activities include training, consulting, auditing, partnership development and organization of seminar and workshop with the objectives of skills development, information dissemination related to design/selection of appropriate technology, awareness spreading and knowledge build up for the betterment of industry, society and mankind as a whole.

Our long earned experience in WATER & WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT at National and International level with expertise in conducting classroom training and capacity building in govt as well as private sectors which helps to achieve enhance system efficiency with reduction of operation and maintenance cost thorough energy minimization and better water/environment management practices.

We believe that water-wastewater treatment and climate control technology will be the two major thrust areas that support the ” Green Revolution”.

Our Mission

To build up skills and knowledge-base for achieving enhanced system efficiency with reduction of operation and maintenance cost thorough energy minimization with better water and environment management practices.

Our Vision

Optimum utilization of water and environmental resources to maintain nature’s dynamic equilibrium that will lead to ecological as well as social sustainability.

Advisory Cell and Faculty members:

Prof. Dr. Sarajit Basu , Chairman
Ph.D, FIE, FIICHE; Humboldt Fellow, UNIDO-Consultant(MBST); Ex-Professor- Chem Engineering Department;IIT Mumbai, Chairman –Chem Eng Div; Institution of Engineers, Emeritus Fellow AICTE; Visiting Faculty/Speaker to Universities of USA, Germany, France and Asia Pcific region . Around 40 years of Experience in Industry, Academic and Res. with special expertise on Water and Wastewater Management using Membrane based Separation Technology ; Carbon Emission Reduction using microalgae, Biodiesel, Amino acid/Protein Synthesis
Prof. Debashish Chatterjee
M.Sc (Analytical Chem); PhD(Instrumentation Anal. Chem);Post Doctoral Res. in Viena,Austria; above 27 years of experience in Academic & Res with special focus on Ground Water Pollution and Arsenic Mitigation. Current research interests-Arsenic in Groundwater, metal contamination in food chain, water and waste water treatment, metal speciation in natural system , atmospheric chemistry of metal and metalloid , street dust and pollution indicator , public engagement of science in rural Bengal and promoting rural people in science. Worked extensively with the Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden), LGIT ,University of Grenoble (France ),, Dept. Of Earth and Atmospheric Science ,University of Manchester (UK ),KIT (Germany ) ,University of Girona (Spain ),University of Michigan (USA)etc. Acting as a member of different committee and Task Force both National and International levels. Published research papers in high impact journals including NATURE (July,2004). Publication was awarded for IAGC Hitchon Award. Prof Chatterjee is actively supporting overreaching extension programme for societal causes.
Dr. Ashim Kumar Bhattacharya, Founder and Executive Director
Dr Ashim Kumar Bhattacharya, M.Sc(Chem), PG(Eco &ENV), PGDBA, PhD(Water and Wastewater Treatment using Adsorption); MIICHE, FICCE;Founder and Executive Director; an Water and Environment Professional with more than 25 years of experience in Chem & Env field with expertise on Water and Wastewater Treatment, Cooling Tower and Boiler Water Treatment; Fuel Additives and ODS Phase out(an Implementation plan for Montreal Protocol). Working experience with world renowned multinationals - Nalco Chemicals India Limited; Rochester Midland Corporation;USA & Novozymes Biologicals(Env Biotechnology) and German Technical Co-operation(UNEP Project- under Ozone Cell; MOEF; Govt of India). Completed more than 100 projects of various capacities in water and wastewater treatment in different industrial sectors likeSteel, Power, Metal processing, Food & Beverages, Pulp and Paper, Textile processing etc. More than 52 research publications in water, waste water and environment field at National and International level including peer reviewed journals. Visiting Facullty to various National level Institutions at Govt and non-Govt organizations. So far conducted more than 40 numbers Seminars, Workshop and Training Programs in Water, Wastewater and Environment Field.
Prof. Dr. Arunava Mazumder
PhD; Former Director All India Institute of Hygiene and Public Health; Emeritus Professor- School of Water Resource Engineering; Jadavpur University. Around 40 years of experience with expertise role in Water and Wastewater Management and Treatment Technologies which includes Arsenic, Iron; Foluride Mitigation in Ground Water; Biological Treatment using Activated Sludge Process and Extended Aeration Technique etc. Guided more than 200 projects in water and wastewater treatment in Municipal and Industrial Applications. Expert and Resource Persons to National and International Bodies like PHED; State Pollution Control Board Expert Comitte; IEI; IICHE; CPCB; NEERI; IISWBM; Presidency University. UNICEF; WHO etc.
Prof. Dr. K M Agarwal
M.SC(ENV);PhD(Env)from NEERI; Prof. Env Management -IISWBM; Kolkata- more than 22 years of experience/ expertise in EIA, ENV Auditing and Industrial Pol. Control, Waste Minimization Activities. Experience in development and execution of various training modules for Env pol monitoring and control, Env Mgmt., EIA/EMP and R&R Strategies for various industrial sectors viz., ONGC,IOC,Port&Harbour, DVC, NTPC, CIL, etc. Organized more than 30 MDPs/EDPs/Workshops/Seminar for major industrial/corporate sectors of country in various aspects of environment and social issues. Completed above 60 Res and Consultancy works on various dimensions of environmental studies sponsored by World Bank, ADB, UNDP, JBIC, NTPC, etc including Ecological and Social Impact Assessment.
Dr Ananta Kumar Das
Bsc(Hons); B Tech(Chem); M Tech(Chem); PhD( Tech) from University of Calcutta. More than 25 years of versatile working experience in Industry like Hindustan Liver; Dunlop India; Development Consultant Industrial Plant Services with expertise in Environment Management specifically Fly ash related issues. Presently associated for more than 7 years as Prof and Dean Faculty of Science; Engineering and Technology in Durgapur Institute of Advance Technology and Management under Rahul Foundation; Durgapur. He has got the credit of Publishing and Presenting paper at various National and International Journals.; Seminars and Conferences. Associated with Institution of Engineers India; Indian and Institute of Chemical Engineers and Coal Ash Institute of India as a Life Member. He is also consultant to MSME; Govt of India.
Dr D K Soni
Phd(Env Sc) from NEERI, Joint Director; CPCB; Lucknow. More that 30 years of experience in Water and Environment Management Field with respect to Technology Deployment; Research; Regulatory norms and it's implementation plan. Published and presented paper at various journals , conferences at National and International Level.
Dr. S Sensarma
M.Sc(Chem);PhD(Glass Sc; Jadavpur Univ) Teaching Fellow- Univ. of Detroit in U.S.A, also completed MS degree in Industrial Chem., Post Doctoral Res. in U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs and at the University of Missouri, Rolla. Received advance training in high-temp. Refractory in Japan under Colombo Plan and visited several countries. Showed his excellent performance as the Member Secretary of both the Glass and Ceramic Industry; Development Pannel constituted by Ministry of Industry till 1994. Served as Sr Sc Officer in Dept of Sc and Technology, Govt of West Bengal. An Advisor and Lead Auditor for certification of QMS(ISO-9001), Environment Management Systems(ISO- 14001), OSHAS-18001 and Energy Management System(ISO50,001:2011)
Prof. Dr. Sudip K Das
M.Tech(IITKGP);PhD(IITKGP); FICCE – having more than 25 years of experience in academic and industry research in Chemical Safety, Health and Environment field
Mr. Subhasis Ghatak
B.E(Mech); Former General Manager-Steam, Power, Mines & Refinery; NALCO; Damanjodi;a Govt of India Navaratna company. More than 35 years of experience in Operation & Maint., Project Eng., Energy & Env Management in 10x120 MW Power Plant at Angul,4x18.5MW Cogeneration Plant at Damanjodi and ammonia, urea plant in fertilizer sector at FCI; Durgapur Plant.
Mr. Sushanta Kumar Roy
B.Tech (Chem); IIT(KGP), MBA; MIICHE; FIE; Chief Manager-Tech Services and Splty Business; Balmer Lawrie & Co Limited; a Corporate Member and qualified “Chartered Engineer” from Institution of Engineers (India). Credited over 25 years of exp. in the areas of Design & Eng, R&D, Project Eng & Execution and Marketing. Overseas experience in conducting Technical Trainings and published a couple of technical papers in national seminars. A resource person for conducting technical workshop & seminars, training programs in house as well as customer premises. Actively involved & Life Members-IIChE,Tribology Soc of India & Condition Monitoring Society of India.
Mr. Suvranil Banerjee
B.Tech(Chem), M Phil(Env); M. Tech(Chem); Sr Manager-R&D; Tata Steel around 8 years experience in Design Drawing, Consulting, Training, Capacity Building, Simulation Studies in Industrial Wastewater Treatment. Other areas of expertise- EIA, Solid Waste Mgmt. and Carbon Mgmt.
Mr. Swachcha Mazumdar
Principal Scientist, CGCRI, Under CSIR; Govt of India ,B Tech(Hons) Chemical Engineering from IIT; Kharagpur; Govt of India Certificate on EIA studies on water resource management from Centre for Water Resource Development & Management, Govt. of India. Having more than 22 years of professional experience in Chemical and Environment field specially water and wastewater treatment area with expertise in membrane technology application like RO; UF; MBR in industrial wastewater treatment. Working experinece covers organizations like IPCL; Regional Research Laboratory; CGCRI- CSIR under Govt of India. He has around 26 number of Research publications at National and International Levels including peer reviewed journals. and also holding 5 patents out of which 3 are US in water and environment sector.

  • We are the leading source for any type of ENERGY , WATER & WASTEWATER solutions leading to sustainable environmental practices. Our main activities include training, consulting, auditing, partnership development and organization of seminar and workshop with the objectives of skills development, information dissemination related to design/selection of appropriate technology, awareness spreading and knowledge build up for the betterment of industry, society and mankind as a whole.We believe that water-wastewater treatment and climate control...
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  • Phone: +91 86973 77923 / 9831542372
  • Email: info@academy-watertechenviro.com
  • Email: drashimk.awtem@gmail.com
  • Website: www.academy-watertechenviro.com
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